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Ottawa West Little League Baseball Association

Capital Projects

NEW Batting Cage at Pinecrest Recreation Complex

OWLL is working with the City of Ottawa to replace our old batting cage at Pinecrest Recreation Complex with a new cage!

The New Cage:


How to Donate:

Ottawa West Little League (OWLL) is a community-based, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to providing both House and Competitive level baseball for boys and girls (aged 4 to 18). The Batting Cage project is being developed with a matching grant from the City of Ottawa, with half of the funds coming from OWLL. The Batting Cage is a significant investment by the league towards player development as well as to the Pinecrest Recreation Complex. 

If you are interested in supporting the development of the new Batting Cage though a cash donation, you can contact our Treasurer or send an e-transfer to using the password: BattingCage.  Due to OWLL being a non-profit organaiztion, we do not issue a tax receipt.

OWLL is currently working on a sponsorship package for business that would like to support the Batting Cage. if you are involved with a business that would like to contribute to the development of the Batting Cage by supporting the league, please contact our Sponsorship & Fundraising team


Batting Cage Updates!

June 29, 2020 - Construction of the new cage or rather demolition of the old cage, started at the end of June.

June 30, 2020 - The remains of the old cage have been removed and the site is being prepared for the new cage.

July 5, 2020 - Site preparation continues.

July 13, 2020 - The base for the concrete foundation is in place.


2024 AGM - October 27th


Call for nominations - Volunteer of the year!


OWLL News - September 2024


Important fall ball information
