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Ottawa West Little League Baseball Association

Rainouts Guidelines

Prior to the start of the game, it is a coach responsibility to decide on whether a game should be attempted. Before arrival at the field, either coach may initiate discussions with the coach of the other team.  If postponed, one coach *must* contact the Umpire-in-Chief immediately so umpires can be informed of the cancellation.

  • Coaches are then responsible for rescheduling the rainout games and contacting the Umpire-in-Chief to secure an umpire for the new date.
  • Coaches inform division Convenor of decision, so that he/she can get the game rescheduled in Goalline.
Once a game has commenced, it is then the responsibility either of the umpire or adult Game Coordinator to decide on game postponement or cancellation.
By Little League rules, the score for a 6-inning game is considered final after 4 complete innings (3 1/2 if the home team is ahead). In a 7-inning game (Junior and above), it is 5 complete innings (4 1/2 if the home team is ahead).

In house league, a game which is cancelled prior to reaching "final" status is replayed from the start.

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